First time to eat solids
First time to start "eating" her feet
First time to wear "size 2" diapers! (Yes, she is a little peanut.)
First time to start rocking on her hands and knees (she wants to crawl so badly!)
First time to squeal with excitements when daddy got home from work
First time to ride in a shopping cart like a "big girl"
First time to swing on a swing at the park
At her 6 month check-up, the doctor said she is doing fine. She is, of course, on the smaller size (weight wise) but the doctor said she is healthy. That's one thing I worry about (her weight), thinking that perhaps it is my fault that she is small (since I nurse her). But I am learning to just trust the Lord and be thankful that she is healthy and thriving. I can't believe she is almost 7 months and still wearing 0-3 month clothes! Atleast I get a lot of use out of her cute baby clothes. :)
Here are her 6 month stats:
Height: 26 inches (59th %)
Weight: 12 lbs. 13 oz. (4th %)
Head: 16 1/2 inches (33rd %)
I love when babies suck on their toes so I was super excited when Julia started doing this for the first time. The funny thing is that she usually only does this with her left foot.
So flexible! :)
Now that she can roll over, I often find her sleeping on her tummy with her thumb in mouth. So cute!
She has tried a few solids like cereal, bananas, carrots, sweet potato, and butternut squash. So far she really likes cereal and banana. Carrots are okay. She isn't crazy about the sweet potato and butternut squash but I'll try again soon.
Carrots... all over! I have learned to just strip her down to her diaper now. Much much easier to clean her and less laundry for mommy (especially since we don't have a washer/dryer at our place).
Big girl sitting in the shopping cart at Target. :) She can't sit up by herself yet so she sometimes falls over a little. But, she seems to enjoy it.
In a swing for the first time at the park
Here is Julia, letting me know that "nap time was over."
Ethan and I often say that Julia looks like her cousin, Joshua (Mike's son). Joshua is a few years older than Julia, but this picture of him was taken when he was about the same age as Julia is now. So cute! They could almost be twins...
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Joshua |
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Julia |
Yesterday I went to the park with Angie, her mom, and the kids. We had a nice time. It was so cute to see Joshua and Julia next to each other. Julia is about 5 months older. Julia was really curious about him and would reach out and touch him. :) So cute!
Julia and Joshua, checking each other out. :) Notice, Julia's smiling at him.
Joshua, smiling in return
Julia gently touching Joshua. So cute!
Grandma with her first grandson
Awwwhhh! Thanks for posting the pictures of the park, Lisa. I really enjoyed the lunch with you. Julia is such a happy baby, and she is just the size God wants her. She is doing fine! You are NOT doing anything wrong - she's just going to be petite! Now that I am back in Cape Town I had enough time to catch up on your entries. Fun reading! I always enjoy your blogs and your videos. She'll be crawling soon - get your running shoes ready! :-)
Fun pictures! I agree with my mom...Julia is a happy and healthy baby. I understand the worry over a baby's weight, especially your first, but you are doing an awesome job with Julia! It is wonderful that you can nurse her. Here's a few of my thoughts that hopefully can encourage you:
-babies come in all shapes and sizes (look at adults...several different body types out there)
-it can be fun or it can be discouraging to compare your baby to other babies (Joshua is not chunky like Lauren was at this age. I, too, have had to tell myself that it's o.k. He is actually a little below average for a boy in weight. But the ped. is fine and just commented that he's small. That's another thing. If the ped. thought it was a problem, they would have said something.
-As a teacher, I think it's easy to look at percentiles as percentages...which they are not. It's not like they're getting a grade...ha ha, but as a parent, I know it can feel like that. :-)
-What they are now, is not determinate of what they will be later. Katie was in the 8th percentile for weight at 1 yr, and then jumped to the 50th percentile for weight at 2 yrs, I believe it was.
-Julia's percentiles aren't adjusted for a preemie...I don't know if they continue that at this age, but I really think it makes a difference. She started out petite, so she wouldn't be as chunky as a kid who was average full term birth weight.
-She looks healthy and is happy. Looking at her pictures makes me think of Joshua's body type right now. Different from Lauren and a little different from Katie. But they're all healthy (and all were/are breastfed). :-)
Anyway, hope those words were a help. Having kids definitely causes us to remember our need for the Lord and to trust Him....which is good. I forget that all the time and then when things get crazy I remember it again. You're doing so very well, Lisa! :-)
SO very sweet, Lisa!! Julia looks perfectly happy and thriving and such a pretty little girl!
I had to laugh when I saw the pictures of her in the Bumbo. It really put it into perspective comparing the size of her and Cullen. Cullen completely takes up ALL the room in the Bumbo with all his rolls :)
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