Friday, May 2, 2014

Catching up with Friends

Last month was a tough month full of sickness.  In four weeks my 2 older got 3 different colds.  The coughs lingered but they have been healthy for about 2 weeks now.  I'm thankful for warmer weather and Lord willing, healthier days for my kiddos.  Now that the kids are healthy, I can get together with friends.  Yay!

Angie invited us to her house last Saturday.  Joanna's family was able to come too (Johanna's family couldn't).  Angie was brave to have all of us over and all our kids!  It was so fun to have all the kiddos together.  I can't believe how fast everyone is growing up!

Some of the kids eating dinner


Some of the girls playing quietly inside...

The boys!

The girls!

The babies!

Danielle, me (and Bradley), Angie (and Elijah), and Joanna (and Yohan)
Johanna and her four kids were able to come visit me today.  We ate breakfast together and then the kids played.  It was so great to spend time with her and it wasn't even that crazy (which says a lot when you have 7 kids in one house!).
Eating breakfast
Johanna and baby Hannah

Me and my boys

Hannah and Bradley, both smiling!  :)



A Visit from Grandparents and Uncle Phil

My dad and brother came down for the annual Shepherd's Conference at our church.  So, my mom came and spent the week with us while the men went to their conference.  It was fun to have family time.  I especially love how quickly the kids warmed up to their Uncle Phil (we only get to see him once or twice a year).  I wish my family lived closer.  :(  But I'm thankful they live driving distance away and that we get to see them periodically.

Grandma holding Bradley

Grandpa holding Bradley in the colic hold (this soothed him during his fussy times...)

Grandpa building with Caleb

Grandma and I went to Chic-Fil-A one morning.

At Chick-Fil-A

Grandma with the boys

Caleb loved riding on Uncle Phil's shoulders!

Fun times

Julia asked for a turn, too.  :)

2 Months Old

It's almost May and I haven't blogged since January.  I like blogging because it's kind of like a scrapbook for me.  So, I hope to catch up a little so that I don't forget these moments in my kids' lives.

Life with 3 kids has been a BIG adjustment for me. But, I'm starting to get used to my crazy new life. :) Bradley was a pretty fussy baby when he was two months old.  I cut out dairy because I thought perhaps that was the issue. I think it helped quite a bit.  When he was fussy he seemed to calm down when we held him in the "colic hold."  But there were times in the day when even holding him didn't seem to soothe him.  The thing that soothed him the most was a swing, so that was a life saver during those times.  Thankfully, his fussiness pretty much stopped after he was about 3 1/2 months. Now he is pretty calm and happy most of the time. 

Here are some pictures from Bradley when he was 2 months old:

He loves diaper changes, just like Julia did and gives me smiles while I'm changing him.


I think his is my favorite picture so far of this guy.  Love him!


Bradley really dislikes tummy time...

Julia loves her baby brother.  :)



It's a bit challenging trying to get a picture with all 3 kids...






Thursday, January 30, 2014


It has been fun to see how different our two sons are.  Even from the day they were born I could tell they were going to have very different builds.  Caleb was born with a broad chest and kinda chunky legs.  Bradley was born with a more petite body and very skiny legs.  He has filled out but still has a smaller frame.  Caleb had a lot of hair... Bradley has hardly any.  Caleb LOVED laying on our chests.  I'm still trying to figure out Bradley's favorite position, but it seems he prefers to be cradled (like his sister did) and laying on his tummy across my arm.  Caleb grunted with a deep sounding voice while Bradley makes racoon noises.  :)  Caleb liked tummy time, Bradley can't stand it.  I could go on and on.  They are very different so far.  So far Bradley reminds us a lot of Julia.  It'll be fun to see how Bradley's personality develops.  I do hope that they can be good friends as they get older!  :)

I've been having some fun taking pictures of Bradley in the same outfits that Caleb wore around the same age. 


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

1 month

Happy 1 Month to our little guy!  He will smile at me sometimes and is mastering the art of grabbing mommy's hair.  :)  He has outgrown most of his newborn clothes (sniff) and is gaining weight quite nicely.  I still can't figure out what color eyes he has.  I think they're a grayish color but I'm assuming they'll be brown.  He has very little hair and his eye lashes almost have an auburn tint to them - I'm wondering if he'll have the hair color I had when I was a kid (redish/auburn).  He makes these cute noises that sound like a racoon when he is sleeping or starting to wake up.  He is such a cute little guy!


We love you, Bradley!  Don't grow up too fast...